Fel's Wrath (DS-181-3) (2)
Basic info
First appearance: Return of the Jedi
Species: Human
Relations: Imperial Fighter Pilot, 181st Imperial Fighter Wing, Saber Squadron (Empire)
Events: Vader's Visit to the DS-2 (ROTJ), Battle over Endor
DS-181-3 was the call sign of a human male starfighter pilot who served the Galactic Empire during the Galactic Civil War. After receiving training at the Prefsbelt Imperial Academy from Baron Soontir Fel, DS-181-3 flew as Fel's wingman in Saber Squadron, part of the 181st Imperial Fighter Group, and was given the nickname "Fel's Wrath." In 4 ABY, DS-181-3 was present for Sith Lord Darth Vader's arrival aboard the second Death Star, and he later participated in the Battle of Endor.


See also
Complete list
0715 : Unit : 181st TIE Interceptor
SWTCG : Cards
"Fel's Wrath" | TIE Interceptor (Unique)
0715 : Unit : 181st TIE Interceptor
Tags (5)

TIE Interceptor | TIE Fighter | 181st Imperial Fighter Wing | Executor (Super-class Star Destroyer) | Super-class Star Destroyer

Tags (5)

TIE Interceptor | TIE Fighter | 181st Imperial Fighter Wing | Executor (Super-class Star Destroyer) | Super-class Star Destroyer

Last updated: 31.10.2021 13:08:02